We have 1.3 million area of bamboo forest resources
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JULYBAMU ® Adopting a development model of company+base+farmers, we now own nearly 21000 acres of bamboo forests, including 2000 acres near the headquarters and 18000 acres in other areas, known as JULYBAMU ® Created sufficient production materials.

julybamu® forest ownership certificate 1
julybamu® forest ownership certificate 3

Forest ownership certificate

maintenance of bamboo forests 201
Clean up weeds
maintenance of bamboo forests 301
The density of bamboo
maintenance of bamboo forests 401
The density of bamboo
maintenance of bamboo forests 601
Mark each bamboo

Although bamboo generates quickly, the maintenance of bamboo forests requires higher requirements than other types of tree species. Bamboo must be cut down from 4-7 years old. If not cut down, bamboo will die in the following years and affect other new bamboo. The density between bamboo should not be too high, and the newly generated bamboo each year needs to be marked with the year in order to be cut down from 4-5 years.

Passing through JULYBAMU ® The maintained bamboo forest has increased the utilization rate of bamboo in products by 30%, with an average diameter of 15-25cm and a thickness of 5-9cm

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