Bamboo furniture made of bamboo plywood, its very Eco-friendly bamboo furniture and have wood advantages, most popular in people. And bamboo from china and also have long history of make furniture.
The old bamboo furniture is various of ordinary furniture. With the development of people’s life level, from only care survival problems to material life, and now spirit life. Bamboo material also from bamboo poles to bamboo plywood, became to standard and can a material of wide use.
Bamboo furniture compare to other furniture, its more Eco-friendly, fashion, simple, removable. Its can say that bamboo plywood have all the advantages including wood. Recently years, the expert study that bamboo plywood most solid Eco-friendly material in earth. So these experts suggestion that use more bamboo plywood in construction industry. Why the bamboo plywood is so solid? Because the self-advantages. Its tall and longer. The highest reaches 60 meters, which determines bamboo must be slender and tough to support their own weight, will not be blown off the wind off