Do You Have to Hear The bamboo Juice And Wine?

The bamboo body is all treasure, known as “Green Gold, Plant King” in Southeast Asia, bamboo juice have Prominent health benefits are considered “God water” in the East.

In Compendium of Materia Medica detail recorded: that bamboo“Cool heart, good at health, heat spleen, nourishing refreshing” have amazing therapeutic health effects. bamboo has edible, feeding, tonic, diet, and food treatment effect. and this “Edible homologous” health concept has been popular all over the world.

Bamboo wine (original wine), another name is fresh bamboo wine. it is usedd High-pressure minimally technology to make base wine in a Bamboo cavity and the wine in this bamboo cavity second fermentation to free formaldehyde and other harmful ingredients. when the wine color into amber, taste soft and Bamboo flavor, natural pure. In the long history, write the bamboo legend. According to the legend, the queen’s mother’s niece girl–a green bamboo angle, she envies the beauty of the world, the mortal world

Envy the beauty of the world, the mortal world, childbearing daughter. so the earth has come out of bamboo.

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