JULYBAMBU® Apply glue to the bamboo strips

JULYBAMBU® Automatic machine splitting bamboo poles

The entire process of transforming bamboo from herbaceous plants into furniture

JULYBAMBU Quality control bamboo strips

JULYBAMBU Grading of Bamboo Stripe Colors By AI Devices

JULYBAMBU® Bamboo drying and sanding

JULYBAMBU Bamboo Thermostatic Room

JULYBAMBU Grading of Bamboo Stripe Colors By AI Devices

JULYBAMBU Bamboo cutting to size

JULYBAMBU Cutting bamboo

JULYBAMBU Plain pressed

JULYBAMBU Side pressed and plain pressed

Technology has enabled bamboo to quickly replace wood, How Do Bamboos Turn Into Furniture?

JULYBAMBU Product Packaging

JULYBAMBU Product cutting

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